When I test client sites I need to re-create this site on my local machine. I often use Duplicator plugin to get full backup of client site with files and database dump. I need a login to WordPress too. Sometimes client create a login for me, but sometimes not.

This is a code which allow to change password for user “admin” or create the user “admin” with password “admin”.

require 'wp-load.php';
$admin = get_user_by( 'login', 'admin' );
if ( !empty( $admin ) ) {
    wp_set_password( 'admin', $admin->ID );
    echo 'New password "admin" for user "admin" was set.';
$admin_id = wp_create_user( 'admin', 'admin', sprintf( 'admin-%d@example.com', rand() ) );
$admin = new WP_User( $admin_id );
$admin->add_role( 'administrator' );
echo 'New user "admin" with password "admin" was created.';

How to use it?

Copy this file to root directory of your WordPress and enter URL in to browser. Remember to delete this file after you create a user.

And never use this on live sites.

[zip href="http://iworks.pl/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/iworks-set-admin.zip" lang="en"]iworks-set-admin.zip[/zip]